Our Fire Collective provides culturally sustaining experiential learning and communities of practice that guide human service professionals to practice creative, connected, and mindful habits to steward trauma exposure in their work.
OFC formed an advisory board and LLC in early 2020 while participating in the Tiny Fellowship with 4.0 Schools. This fellowship included pilot funds, validated the founding advisors and co-founders, solidified an audiences’ need, and evaluated impact. We hosted 2 retreats with specific networks of educators, and marketed an open gathering across the region.
Next, OFC offered a 9-month series studded by 3 in-person retreats and virtual group check-ins. OFC facilitators created a container of contemplative practice with a cohort of educators throughout their transition back to schools re-opening in-person. Internally, OFC created event infrastructure and replicable systems to support content, facilitators, and sites.
After 5 more retreats to date, OFC views pre-post survey results as one form of evidence of impact. In measuring the need for our approach in a pre-survey, 93% of attendees are at least “sometimes” emotionally exhausted, 84% are glad they chose their career, but only 60% feel like a "success as an educator.” Post-retreat, average scores increased for the core contemplative practice areas OFC offers, as measured by the Kentucky mindfulness inventory and more. Attendees also imagined improving their environment, as evidenced by a 25% increase in confidence in “implementing healing-centered practices in my workplace.”
In 2024, OFC core circle members
We have established partnerships with leading educational institutions and organizations around the world. These partnerships allow us to offer our students unique opportunities such as study abroad programs, internships, and research collaborations. We are proud to be part of a global network of educators and learners who share our commitment to quality education.
We borrow practices from our histories and widespread peoples, and mix with new creations just imagined. Stewarding trauma and nurturing each other is both radical for today and deeply, innately human. We ask our facilitators to acknowledge lineages, request permissions, honor the land, and give gratitude wherever groups go - in physical space, in cultural remembering, and in each person's heart as they move through a retreat experience. We trust all will carry practices they get out of our gatherings with respect; something borrowed, something new...
Download our 17 slide overview below, or view as a web page.
OFC Year in Review 2024 FINAL (pdf)
DownloadDancer, mover, equity bridge-builder, mother, scientist of learning and love of life living, student of her own body and spiritual experiences, Bostonian, remember-er of ancestors.
Designer, educator and facilitator, youth-worker, movement-based healer, papa and hermano, empathic support at somatic and professional thresholds to soul work.
A force of love.
Click below to make an investment in our community-centered healing retreat work, or contribute for your own participation in a retreat.You can also mail a check to "Our Fire Collective LLC" to the address below (a mailbox handed down that has been in justice work for 40+ years).
P.O Box 190246, Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119
Interested in joining a gathering or referring a friend? Fill out this interest form.